Tuesday, March 11, 2008

First day of rehearsals!

Yesterday was our first day of rehearsals. We had a welcome meeting, learned "Doe a Deer," and then roughly staged it - all in one day! It might not seem like much, but that is a loooong number!

Then everyone in the NYC area met that evening for dinner. Here are some pics of our "family."

Some favorite quotes:

When the boys were asking Maddy (Liesl) and me how old we are:
Kurt: "Whoa -- you guys are OLD!"
Friedrich (very sincerely): "Don't say that! Don't ever say that."

And when I was trying to decide what to order for dinner at the restaurant last night:
Me: "What do you think I should order?"
Gretl (pondering): "Whatever is the most inexpensive." (Yes, our very precocious 7-yr-old said that!)


Anonymous said...

Cute photos!!! I'm excited for this adventure you're embarking on, and can't wait to see more photos (and hopefully video!) and hear more stories!


Greg Maheu said...

See you tomorrow. :)